Wednesday 3 February 2010


I dont care if no one reads my blog and hell I dont want any one I know to find out about it.

I will be updating it as soon as I get my new laptop and no longer have to use the family computer *yay*

Its for myself more than anyone else, to stop me going to the kitchen and putting some crap in to my mouth.

Lent starts on Wednesday.

To my friends I will say my lent will be 'no snacking' (except fruit) which gets me out of all eating between meals. I'm normally ok at eating small, healthy meals so this will be good. Then I can skip meals and this is a good reason not to eat crap in between. It will be testing my will power but last year I gave up chocolate, cakes and sweets for lent so this year should be better.

I'm eating:
- no chocolate
- no sweets
- no cakes
- no sugary snacks, apart from 1 rice pudding/custard/popcorn on Sundays if I want it
- no breakfast, apart from fruit and porridge on days that I am playing sport (just Saturdays really)
- no salad cream (except with lettuce)
- limit cheese

Hopefully I will get in to good eating patterns so by the time easter comes I wont be thinking about food in between meals. I am going to add target weight and all that when I start blogging properly next Wednesday. Wish me luck!

The only downside of this is today I've had an 'enjoy it while you can' approach. This has lead to lots of chocolate, rice pudding and popcorn :/
No meals though which is good.

I am going to be a success story. I am going to come on here. 100lbs, I will say I MADE IT. Then I will be so happy. I will look at those size 8 jeans finally. and they will fit perfectly. Maybe a bit loose. I don't need food to be happy. This summer will be the best, wildest, sunniest, skinniest.

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