Friday, 24 July 2009

Why it doesnt feel like summer

The rain is bucketing down outside and there is no hint of sun, and it is 1.45pm when it should be the sunniest.

How crap.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Chocolate truffles and chocolate biscuits

Super leathel... I succummed to their powers :P
I'm dreading the scales tonight.

Yestarday I was down to 111.2 which is REALLY GOOD. Should be under 110 by next week.

Lily Allen quote:
"But everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner"

Monday, 6 July 2009

What I have eaten today

Bran flakes - 80
Glass of milk - 80
Chicken kebab - 500
Be good to yourself crisps - 98
Sainsburys crisps - 129
2 Walls mini ice creams - 80
1 apple - 60
Diet coke - 0


Alright day.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Good Mood

I won a Babyliss hairbrush which was really cool, and it wasnt the fact that it was a hairbrush it was that it came through the post free that just made me smile.

Todays damage so far:
Smoothie - 120
Bran - 70
Apple - 50
Greggs mexican chicken roll - 430
2 mini icreams - 80
Caramel snack a jacks - 101

Dinner - tba

Total so far: 851

I am going to my friends bbq for dinner and for drinks. Alcohol is not good for losing weight at all.

Thursday, 2 July 2009


I did go for a run yestarday, and weighed myself and was 113! Thats 1.2 gone in one day, and I didnt even eat that well. So happy.

Got to be careful not to put it back on now though.

What I have eaten today:
Glass of milk - 100
High Bran - 100
Go Ahead bar - 250
Snack a Jacks caramel flavour - 101
Walkers Lights cheese & onion crisps - 113

Dinner - tba

Total so far: 664

Update 8.27pm:


Mood has completely plummited. I binged.

1 more pack Snack a Jacks - 101
2 mini milks - 60
1 walls twister mini icecream - 40
4 ginger nut biscuts - 320
Fruit smoothie - 150
Snacking at dinner parents had - 200
Ham - 100

TOTAL: 664 + 971 = 1635

Gained 135 calories.

Some one give me some encouragement and inspiration PLEASE. I need some help. :/

Whats worse is I cant even go running tonight cause I have to deliver some catalogues.

FASTING TOMORROW. (And running if I get the chance).

Diet coke will now be my best friend.

My mood is worse because I had a massive argument with my family. AHHH.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

What I have eaten today

Bran flakes - 80
Glass of milk - 115
Sandwich crusts - 100
Pick n miz - 200
Minstrels - 211
Pasta tuna sweetcorn and mayo - 450
Mini ice cream - 40
Handful of grapes - 30
TOTAL: 1226 kcals

I need 1500 to maintain a constant weight.

Not utterly dreadful but I still feel like a PIG from all that pasta. Once I start I just cant stop eating!
From the pick n mix onwards is everthing I have eaten between 4 and 7pm. Its disgraceful.
My textiles teacher gave me loads of work so I went a bought some minstrels to cheer myself up. I need to stop buying chocolate to cheer me up.

Going to try to keep it under 500 kcals tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hopefully I can motivate myself to go for a run tonight after gossip girl.

I weighed myself last night. 114.2lb.

My goal is 107. If I reach it, I want to treat myself with something. Clothes? What do you think?

Reasons to fast tomorrow:

UPDATE: 8.37pm - said no to a few chips dad brought home from fish and chip shop. I feel powerful.